在即将到来的爱尔兰选举中,Fianna Fáil 将失去唯一的Donegal席位。 Fine Gael faces losing its only Donegal seat to Fianna Fáil in the upcoming Irish election.
新民调显示,"盖尔"可能会失去在Donegal即将到来的大选中的唯一席位, 可能是Fianna Fáil。 A new poll suggests Fine Gael may lose its only seat in Donegal's upcoming general election, potentially to Fianna Fáil. Fianna Fáil的候选人Pat 'The Cope' Gallagher和Charlie McConnalogue都身居要职, 而Fine Gael的候选人各占6%。 Fianna Fáil's candidates, Pat 'The Cope' Gallagher and Charlie McConalogue, are in strong positions, while Fine Gael's candidates are each at 6%. 新芬党预计将保留其两个席位。 Sinn Féin is predicted to retain its two seats. 影响7 000户人家的Mica有缺陷的区块问题是一个关键议题。 The mica defective blocks issue, affecting 7,000 homes, is a key topic.