爱尔兰的Fine Gael在选举中面临失败, 席位不确定, 菲亚纳法尔在赢得支持. Fine Gael faces election losses in Ireland, with uncertain seats and Fianna Fáil gaining ground.
Fine Gael在爱尔兰的选举中面临损失, 迈克尔·克里德和Joe McHugh等候选人承认失败。 Fine Gael faces losses in Ireland's election, with candidates like Michael Creed and Joe McHugh acknowledging defeats. Fine Gael 成员詹妮弗·卡罗尔·麦克尼尔 (Jennifer Carroll MacNeill) 成为第 34 届议会的第一位 TD,并着眼于领导地位。 Jennifer Carroll MacNeill, a Fine Gael member, became the first TD in the 34th Dáil and is eyeing leadership. 一些席位的结果仍然不确定,移交预计将发挥关键作用。 Results for some seats remain uncertain, with transfers expected to play a crucial role. Fianna Fáil对获得50个席位感到乐观, 这使下届政府的组建复杂化。 Fianna Fáil is optimistic about gaining up to 50 seats, complicating the formation of the next government.