爱尔兰的选举调查显示, 克里州的独立候选人迈克尔·希利·雷 (Michael Healy-Rae) 领先, Irish election poll in Kerry shows strong lead for Independent candidate Michael Healy-Rae, minimal seat changes expected.
最近Kerry的TG4/Ipsos B&A民调显示独立候选人Michael Healy-Rae有很强的领先地位, 他的兄弟Danny也期望保留席位。 A recent TG4/Ipsos B&A poll in Kerry indicates a strong lead for Independent candidate Michael Healy-Rae, with his brother Danny also expected to retain his seat. Fine Gael 的 Billy O'Shea 和 Fianna Fáil 的 Norma Foley 预计将获得席位,而新芬党的 Pa Daly 则面临更接近的竞争。 Fine Gael's Billy O'Shea and Fianna Fáil's Norma Foley are projected to secure seats, while Sinn Féin's Pa Daly faces a closer race. 此次民调的误差幅度约为4%, 预测克里选区的组成变化微乎其微。 The poll, conducted with a margin of error of around 4%, predicts minimal change in the Kerry constituency's composition.