美国司法部对苹果公司的反垄断诉讼可能会导致应用商店、竞争对手兼容性和 iPhone 功能访问的变化。 DOJ's antitrust lawsuit against Apple could lead to changes in app stores, rivals compatibility, and iPhone feature access.
美国司法部针对苹果的反垄断诉讼可能会迫使苹果做出重大改变,包括允许第三方应用商店、提高与竞争对手的兼容性以及授予更多 iPhone 功能访问权限。 DOJ's antitrust lawsuit against Apple could force significant changes, including allowing 3rd-party app stores, improving compatibility with rivals, and granting greater iPhone feature access. 赢得诉讼很困难,但苹果可以做出让步。 Winning the suit is difficult, but Apple could make concessions. 一场战斗可能会威胁苹果的创新能力,尤其是在人工智能蓬勃发展的背景下,损害公众形象并影响消费者情绪。 A battle could threaten Apple's ability to innovate, especially amid the generative AI boom, harm public image, and impact consumer sentiment.