参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)在参议院带头阻止因加沙援助关切而向以色列出售武器。 Senator Bernie Sanders leads a push in the Senate to block arms sales to Israel over Gaza aid concerns.
美国参议院将对阻止向以色列出售武器的立法进行表决,由参议员伯尼·桑德斯领导。 The US Senate will vote on legislation to block arms sales to Israel, led by Senator Bernie Sanders. 这些决议辩称,以色列正在阻碍对加沙巴勒斯坦平民的援助。 The resolutions argue that Israel is obstructing aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza. 尽管两党对以色列大力支持,但支持者希望投票将鼓励以色列和拜登行政当局采取更多行动保护加沙平民。 Despite strong bipartisan support for Israel, backers hope the vote will encourage both Israel and the Biden administration to take more action to protect Gaza's civilians. 拜登行政当局以前曾威胁说,如果以色列不改善对加沙的援助流入,将产生后果,但最后以色列已取得进展。 The Biden administration had previously threatened consequences if Israel did not improve aid flow to Gaza, but concluded Israel had made progress.