在加沙危机和最近停火的情况下,拜登行政当局批准向以色列出售680M美元的武器。 Biden administration approves $680M arms sale to Israel, amid Gaza crisis and recent ceasefire.
拜登行政当局已批准向以色列出售6.8亿美元的武器,包括JDAM包和小口径炸弹。 The Biden administration has approved a $680 million arms sale to Israel, including JDAM kits and small-diameter bombs. 这是在以色列与真主党最近停火和8月份出售200亿美元战斗机之后发生的。 This comes after a recent ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah and a $20 billion sale of fighter jets in August. 尽管进步参议员对加沙人道主义危机提出批评, 但这项协议被视为美国对以色列安全承诺的一部分。 Despite criticism from progressive senators over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the deal is seen as part of the U.S.'s commitment to Israel's security.