桑德斯领导的决议要求美国国务院在 30 天内提交有关加沙侵犯人权情况的报告,暂停对以色列的援助,但该决议被美国参议院否决。 Sanders-led resolution to suspend aid to Israel until the State Department submits a report on human rights abuses in Gaza within 30 days was rejected by the U.S. Senate.
美国参议院否决了参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)领导的一项决议,该决议旨在如果国务院在30天内没有提交报告审查以色列在加沙打击哈马斯期间是否侵犯人权,则冻结对以色列的安全援助。 The U.S. Senate has rejected a resolution led by Senator Bernie Sanders that aimed to freeze security aid to Israel if the State Department did not produce a report within 30 days examining whether Israel violated human rights during its campaign against Hamas in Gaza. 投票结果为 72 比 11,反映了参议员对局势的不安,但由于共和党和民主党的反对,最终未能通过。 The vote was 72-11, reflecting unease among senators regarding the situation but ultimately failing to pass due to opposition from both Republicans and Democrats.