77名民主民主党代表对以色列在加沙遵守人道主义法的情况提出质疑。 Seventy-seven Democratic representatives question Israel's compliance with humanitarian laws in Gaza.
美国民主党七十七人 Seventy-seven Democratic U.S. 代表们写信给高级官员,质疑以色列遵守国际人道主义法及其对加沙的待遇,包括对援助的限制。 Representatives have written a letter to top officials, questioning Israel's adherence to international humanitarian laws and its treatment of Gaza, including restrictions on aid. 立法者寻求评估以色列遵守美国政策和法律的情况,特别是关于平民伤亡和援助交付情况。 The lawmakers seek an assessment of Israel's compliance with U.S. policies and laws, particularly regarding civilian casualties and aid delivery. 参议院已提出一项法案,对在西岸助长暴力的人实施制裁。 In the Senate, a bill has been introduced to impose sanctions on those promoting violence in the West Bank. 与此同时,出于安全考虑,以色列军队仍留在赫尔蒙山,一名人质请求帮助。 Meanwhile, Israeli troops remain on Mount Hermon due to security concerns, and a hostage has pleaded for help. 美国官员也讨论了叙利亚的过渡, 并支持打击欧洲反犹太主义的努力. U.S. officials have also discussed Syria's transition and supported efforts to combat antisemitism in Europe.