厄瓜多尔因干旱和水力发电减少,每天停电14小时。 14-hour daily power cuts in Ecuador due to drought and reduced hydroelectric power.
厄瓜多尔因严重干旱将断电时间增至每天14小时, 严重干旱严重降低了水力发电厂的水位, Ecuador has increased power cuts to 14 hours daily due to a severe drought, which has critically reduced water levels in hydroelectric plants that supply over 70% of the country's electricity. 代理能源部长伊内斯·曼扎诺将这一情况描述为严峻,将干旱与影响南美洲的厄尔尼诺现象联系起来。 Acting Energy Minister Inés Manzano described the situation as dire, linking the drought to the El Niño phenomenon affecting South America. 政府因处理危机而面临批评, 因为停电造成经济每小时损失约1 200万美元。 The government faces criticism for its handling of the crisis, as blackouts are costing the economy approximately $12 million per hour.