巴基斯坦解除阿西夫·杜拉尼在关系恶化的情况下担任阿富汗问题特别代表的职务。 Pakistan dismisses Asif Durrani as Special Representative for Afghanistan amid deteriorating ties.
巴基斯坦已解除阿西夫·杜拉尼在两国之间紧张局势升级的情况下担任阿富汗问题特别代表的职务。 Pakistan has dismissed Asif Durrani as its Special Representative for Afghanistan amid escalating tensions between the two nations. 他于2024年9月10日被解职,在此之前,在改善关系,特别是与塔利班和巴基斯坦Tehreeek-e-塔利班(TTP)有关的跨界恐怖主义的关系方面,遇到了挑战。 His removal on September 10, 2024, follows challenges in improving relations, particularly regarding cross-border terrorism linked to the Taliban and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). 杜拉尼的任期的特点是外交成功有限,他的继任者尚未宣布。 Durrani’s tenure was marked by limited success in diplomacy, and his successor has yet to be announced. 关系不断恶化使区域稳定努力复杂化。 The deteriorating ties complicate regional stability efforts.