新西兰将于12月开始清除12月在萨摩亚境外沉没的HMNZS Manawanui的燃料和污染物。 New Zealand will start removing fuel and pollutants from the sunken HMNZS Manawanui off Samoa in December.
新西兰国防部队计划从12月开始在萨摩亚沿海清除沉没的海军舰艇HMNZS Manawanui的燃料和污染物。 The New Zealand Defense Force plans to remove fuel and pollutants from the sunken naval vessel HMNZS Manawanui off Samoa's coast starting in December. 为这项业务雇用了太平洋7号有限公司和Bay Underwater Services NZ有限公司,优先清除散装燃料,以便尽量减少环境损害。 Salvage companies Pacific 7 Limited and Bay Underwater Services NZ Ltd are hired for the operation, which prioritizes the removal of bulk fuel first to minimize environmental damage. 确切的时间表取决于天气和海洋条件,调查法院关于3月底前沉没情况的报告预计会到3月底。 The exact timeline depends on weather and sea conditions, with the Court of Inquiry report on the sinking expected by late March.