也门附近的一艘商船报告在附近降落了一枚导弹,促使联合王国军事运输组织发出潜在危险的警告。 A commercial ship near Yemen reported a missile landing nearby, prompting UKMTO to warn of potential dangers.
据UKMTO称,一艘商业船只报告说,在也门Al Mukha附近航行时,一枚导弹在阵地附近降落。 A commercial ship reported a missile landing near its position while sailing near Al Mukha, Yemen, according to UKMTO. 船只和船员不受伤害,继续驶往下一港口。 The ship and crew were unharmed and continued to their next port. UKMTO建议船舶谨慎行事,并报告任何可疑活动。 UKMTO advised ships to be cautious and report any suspicious activities. 自2023年11月, 也门的胡塞部队以他们声称与以色列有联系的船只为攻击目标。 Since November 2023, Yemen's Houthi forces have targeted vessels they claim are "Israeli-linked." 没有任何团体声称对此事件负责。 No group has claimed responsibility for this incident.