在利马的亚太经合组织领导人注重清洁能源过渡,以加强区域能源安全。 APEC leaders in Lima focus on clean energy transition to enhance regional energy security.
在秘鲁利马举行的亚太经合组织领导人会议上,成员讨论了通过加快向清洁能源过渡加强区域能源安全的问题。 At the APEC Leaders Meeting in Lima, Peru, members discussed enhancing regional energy security by accelerating the transition to clean energy. 他们强调能源多样化,促进可再生能源贸易,减少对矿物燃料的依赖。 They emphasized diversifying energy sources, promoting renewable energy trade, and reducing dependency on fossil fuels. 行动包括降低关税、简化海关以及投资于风能、太阳能和氢气项目,以确保稳定和可持续的能源供应。 Actions include lowering tariffs, simplifying customs, and investing in wind, solar, and hydrogen projects to ensure a stable and sustainable energy supply.