在秘鲁举行的亚太经合组织首脑会议将侧重于清洁能源、食品废物和经济多样化。 The APEC summit in Peru will focus on clean energy, food waste, and economic diversification.
在秘鲁举行的亚太经济合作首脑会议将讨论向更清洁能源过渡和减少粮食浪费问题,有20多个经济体参加。 The Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) summit in Peru will address transitioning to cleaner energy and reducing food waste, with participation from over 20 economies. 秘鲁旨在加强贸易,实现经济多样化,减少对中国的依赖。 Peru aims to enhance trade and diversify its economy, reducing reliance on China. 讨论将侧重于对清洁能源技术和重要矿物的投资,同时还将应对气候变化和生物多样性丧失等挑战。 Discussions will focus on investments in clean energy technologies and critical minerals, while also tackling challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss. 澳大利亚总理安东尼·阿尔巴内斯(Anthony Albanese)也是出席者之一。 Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is among the attendees.