在2024年20国集团峰会上,中国和巴西承诺削减排放量,建立可再生能源伙伴关系。 China and Brazil pledge emissions cuts and partnership on renewable energy at 2024 G20 summit.
在巴西举行的2024年20国集团首脑会议突出了中国和巴西在应对气候变化方面的领导作用。 The 2024 G20 summit in Brazil highlights China and Brazil's leadership in combating climate change. 两国都承诺减少排放量,中国的目标是到2060年实现碳中和,巴西则承诺到2030年停止砍伐森林。 Both countries have pledged to reduce emissions, with China aiming for carbon neutrality by 2060 and Brazil to halt deforestation by 2030. 它们的伙伴关系将中国的可再生能源投资和技术与巴西的自然资源相结合,重点是可再生能源、能源储存和电动车辆方面的合资企业。 Their partnership combines China's renewable energy investment and technology with Brazil's natural resources, focusing on joint ventures in renewable energy, energy storage, and electric vehicles. 这一协作旨在应对全球非碳化挑战,倡导多边开发银行改革,以帮助发展中经济体实现净零排放。 This collaboration aims to address global decarbonization challenges and advocate for reforms in multilateral development banks to aid developing economies in achieving net-zero emissions.