青年在缔约方会议第二十九届会议上敦促世界领导人帮助非洲和亚洲受气候破坏的学校。 Youth urge world leaders at COP29 to help climate-disrupted schools in Africa and Asia.
来自东非的儿童因极端热量和洪水造成学校中断而挣扎,他们敦促世界领导人在联合国COP29气候峰会上应对气候变化对其教育的影响。 Children from East Africa, struggling with school disruptions due to extreme heat and floods, are urging world leaders at the UN COP29 climate summit to address climate change's impact on their education. 今年亚洲和非洲有4 000多万儿童因热浪而失学。 Over 40 million children in Asia and Africa missed school this year due to heatwaves. 青年呼吁建立具有气候抗御能力的学校和基础设施,以保障他们的未来。 The youth call for climate-resilient schools and infrastructure to secure their future.