维多利亚州盖利布兰德 (Gellibrand) 的居民正在疏散,因为严重的丛林大火正在极端的火灾危险中逼近。 Residents in Gellibrand, Victoria, are evacuating as a severe bushfire approaches amid extreme fire danger.
Gellibrand是维多利亚西南的一个小城镇,由于无节制的林火向南移动,人们敦促Gellibrand的居民撤离。 Residents in Gellibrand, a small town in Victoria's southwest, are being urged to evacuate due to an uncontrolled bushfire moving southwards. 该镇人口约230人,随着火灾接近弗莱斯路,条件日益恶化。 The town, with a population of about 230 people, faces worsening conditions as the fire approaches Frys Road. 西部地区实行消防禁令,东部地区预计会发生暴洪。 A fire ban is in effect for the west, and flash flooding is expected in the east. 紧急服务警告极端火灾危险,气温高达37摄氏度和强风。 Emergency services warn of extreme fire danger, with temperatures reaching up to 37 degrees Celsius and strong winds.