25%的美国国会成员否认人为的气候变化,这与公众的关注形成鲜明对比。 25% of US Congress members deny human-caused climate change, contrasting public concern.
25%的美国国会议员否认人为的气候变化, 25% of US Congress members deny human-caused climate change, contrasting the public's increasing concern. 据《卫报》称,这些否认者,主要是共和党人,与承认气候变化是一种生存威胁的全球共识相比,他们更是出乎全球共识。 According to the Guardian, these deniers, primarily Republicans, are an outlier compared to global consensus recognizing climate change as an existential threat. 尽管美国四分之一的国会都否认这一现实,但民意调查显示,持这种观点的美国人比例减少了一半。 Despite the US having a quarter of its Congress denying the reality, polls show the proportion of Americans sharing this view is smaller by half.