韩国稻米产量在2024年下降了3.2%,由于小稻田和害虫,跌至49年来的最低点。 South Korea's rice production fell 3.2% in 2024, hitting a 49-year low due to smaller paddies and pests.
韩国稻米产量在2024年下降了3.2%,跌至3 585 000吨,这是第三年连续下降。 South Korea's rice production fell by 3.2% in 2024 to 3,585,000 tons, marking the third straight year of decline. 下降的原因是耕地面积较小以及昆虫和疾病造成的破坏。 The drop is due to a smaller cultivated area and damage from insects and diseases. 稻田面积减少了1.5%,达到1975年以来的最低水平,每0.1公顷的产量减少了1.8%。 The rice paddy size decreased by 1.5% to its lowest level since 1975, and production per 0.1 hectare reduced by 1.8%. 这一下降是继该国稻米消费下降的长期趋势之后的。 This decline follows a long-term trend of decreasing rice consumption in the country.