阿布哈兹的抗议者因与俄罗斯的投资交易与警方发生冲突,引发动乱。 Protesters in Abkhazia clash with police over an investment deal with Russia, sparking unrest.
抗议者冲进格鲁吉亚的阿布哈齐亚议会, 要求该领导人辞去与俄罗斯的投资交易。 Protesters stormed Abkhazia's parliament in Georgia, demanding the leader's resignation over an investment deal with Russia. 在部分得到承认的分离地区,示威者和警察之间爆发冲突。 Clashes between protesters and police broke out in the partially recognized breakaway region. 俄罗斯建议其公民避免因动乱前往阿布哈兹。 Russia advised its citizens to avoid travel to Abkhazia due to the unrest. 鉴于阿布哈兹的有争议地位和俄罗斯的支持,这一局势可能会产生更广泛的影响。 The situation could have broader implications given Abkhazia's disputed status and Russia's support.