阿布哈兹的一名立法者在议会中被枪杀;另一名受伤,嫌疑人逃跑。 A lawmaker in Abkhazia was shot dead at parliament; another was injured, and the suspect fled.
阿布哈兹的一个立法者在议会大楼被枪杀。 阿布哈兹是一个格鲁吉亚分裂地区,由俄罗斯支持,在议会大楼内被枪杀。 A lawmaker in Abkhazia, a breakaway Georgian region backed by Russia, was shot dead at the parliament building. 立法者Vakhtang Golandzia因伤势过重死亡,另一人受伤。 Lawmaker Vakhtang Golandzia died from his wounds, and another was injured. 疑犯Adgur Kharazia与法律工作者Adgur Kharazia一同逃离现场。 The suspect, fellow lawmaker Adgur Kharazia, fled the scene. 其动机仍不明朗, 但发生在政治动荡中, 抗议后, 阿布哈兹总统因与俄罗斯的投资交易被迫辞职, The motive remains unclear, but it occurred amid political turmoil, following protests that forced the resignation of Abkhazia's president over an investment deal with Russia.