法官建议推翻对Melissa Lucio的定罪,以虚假证词和意外死亡为由。 Judge recommends overturning Melissa Lucio's conviction, citing false testimony and accidental death.
Arturo Nelson法官建议推翻对Melissa Lucio2岁女儿死亡的定罪和死刑判决,并列举了该名儿童死于意外坠落的明确证据。 Judge Arturo Nelson has recommended overturning Melissa Lucio's conviction and death sentence for her 2-year-old daughter's death, citing clear evidence that the child died from an accidental fall. 法官认为,利用虚假证词和有缺陷的证据对她定罪。 The judge found that false testimony and flawed evidence were used to convict her. 得克萨斯州刑事上诉法院将决定是否接受该建议,从而可能导致Lucio获释。 The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals will decide whether to accept the recommendation, which could lead to Lucio's release.