得克萨斯州试图处决Robert Roberson 因为他女儿的死, 但超过80名立法者怀疑 摇晃婴儿综合症的诊断。 Texas seeks to execute Robert Roberson for his daughter's death, but over 80 lawmakers doubt the shaken baby syndrome diagnosis.
得克萨斯州死囚Robert Roberson, 被判基于摇晃婴儿综合症杀害其2岁女儿, Texas death row inmate Robert Roberson, convicted of killing his 2-year-old daughter based on shaken baby syndrome, faces renewed scrutiny. 超过80名立法者和专家怀疑诊断结果,暗示她死于肺炎。 Over 80 lawmakers and experts doubt the diagnosis, suggesting she died from pneumonia. 尽管如此 得克萨斯州总检察长仍为定罪辩护 认为科学没有改变 Despite this, Texas' attorney general defends the conviction, arguing the science hasn't changed. 一个两党团体试图停止对Roberson的处决,质疑原始证据的有效性。 A bipartisan group seeks to halt Roberson's execution, questioning the validity of the original evidence.