Bridget Curtis承认以危险驾驶方式杀害了一名婴儿,但因涉嫌心脏病发作,她的判刑被推迟。 Bridget Curtis, who admitted killing a baby by dangerous driving, had her sentencing delayed due to a suspected heart attack.
一名70岁的妇女Bridget Curtis承认驾驶危险车辆造成一个八个月大的婴儿Mabli Cariad Hall死亡,她因涉嫌心脏病发作而被推迟判刑。 A 70-year-old woman, Bridget Curtis, who admitted to causing the death of an eight-month-old baby, Mabli Cariad Hall, by dangerous driving, had her sentencing postponed due to a suspected heart attack. 飞机坠毁发生在2023年6月, Curtis击中了Haverford Western的Wishybush医院外面的Mabli的乳房, 导致婴儿在四天后因严重的脑损伤而死亡。 The crash occurred in June 2023 when Curtis hit Mabli's pram outside Withybush Hospital in Haverfordwest, leading to the baby's death from severe brain injuries four days later. 新的判决日期定于12月5日。 A new sentencing date will be set on December 5.