新加坡议会一致支持一项支持商贩文化和确保负担得起的食品的动议。 Singapore's Parliament unanimously backed a motion to support hawker culture and ensure affordable food.
新加坡议会一致批准了一项支持商贩和新加坡商贩文化的动议。 Singapore's Parliament unanimously approved a motion supporting hawkers and Singapore's hawker culture. 该动议呼吁政府定期审查政策,以确保向商贩提供负担得起的食物选择和公平生计,解决高租金和人力短缺等问题。 The motion calls on the government to regularly review policies to ensure affordable food options and fair livelihoods for hawkers, addressing concerns like high rents and manpower shortages. 辩论还强调了维持商贩文化的举措,包括社区方案,以及由新的政府机构集中管理的潜力。 The debate also highlighted initiatives to sustain hawker culture, including community programs and the potential for centralized management by a new government agency.