Ng先生在新加坡唐人街赢得了一个低租金摊位,每周卖羊肉汤4小时,每月赚1 000美元。 Mr. Ng won a low-rent stall in Singapore's Chinatown, making $1,000 monthly selling mutton soup for four hours weekly.
在新加坡的唐人街,吴先生赢得了一个投标 经营一个摊位 卖印度式羊肉汤 仅以每月1美元的租金。 In Singapore's Chinatown, Mr. Ng won a tender to operate a stall selling Indian-style mutton soup for just $1 in monthly rent. 他每周只经营4个小时的摊位,但月收入约1 000美元。 He operates the stall for only four hours a week, yet makes about $1,000 monthly. 以新鲜肉为优先, Ng在工作日还经营另一个摊位, 租金更高。 Prioritizing fresh meat, Ng also runs another stall during weekdays at a higher rent. 他的独有周末地点是政府一项倡议的一部分, 目的是以低租金和设备赠款来提高小贩生产率。 His unique weekend-only spot is part of a government initiative to boost hawker productivity with low rents and grants for equipment.