魁北克警察监督员调查蒙特利尔干预后严重受伤的情况。 Quebec police watchdog investigates serious injuries following intervention in Montreal.
魁北克警方在蒙特利尔警方干预期间严重受伤后, 警方正在调查。 Quebec's police watchdog is investigating after a person was seriously injured during a police intervention in Montreal. 警察对关于一名处于危机中的人员的911电话作出反应,5分钟后进入家中。 Police responded to a 911 call about a person in crisis and entered the home five minutes later. 其年龄和性别未被披露的个人目前在医院处于危急状态。 The individual, whose age and gender were not disclosed, is now in critical condition at the hospital. 参与调查的有5名来自BEI的调查员,魁北克省警察也正在调查这一事件。 Five investigators from the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes (BEI) are involved, and Quebec provincial police are also probing the incident.