魁北克上诉法院维持警察在 BEI 调查期间保持沉默的权利。 Quebec Court of Appeal upholds police officers' right to silence during BEI investigations.
魁北克最高法院裁定,警察有权在该省警察监督机构(即独立调查局(BEI))进行调查期间保持沉默。 Quebec's highest court rules that police officers have the right to remain silent during investigations by the province's police watchdog, known as the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes (BEI). 上诉法院支持警官拒绝分享事件报告或与调查人员交谈的权利,裁定他们不能被强迫提供可能证明他们有罪的文件,并且必须在任何 BEI 调查开始时告知他们保持沉默的权利。 The Court of Appeal upheld the right of officers to refuse to share their incident reports or speak with investigators, ruling that they cannot be forced to provide documents that could incriminate them and must be informed of their right to silence at the start of any BEI investigation.