魁北克警方监管机构正在调查在审讯室发现昏迷不醒的被捕者的死亡情况。 Quebec's police watchdog investigates death of arrested individual found unconscious in interrogation room.
魁北克省警察监管机构 (BEI) 正在调查一名在省警察审讯室被发现昏迷不醒的人的死亡事件。 Quebec's police watchdog (BEI) is investigating the death of an individual found unconscious in a provincial police interrogation room. 该人于3月1日被捕,后来被发现昏迷不醒;他们被送往医院,情况严重,现已死亡。 The person was arrested on March 1 and later discovered unconscious; they were taken to the hospital in serious condition and have since died. BEI 和蒙特利尔警方正在调查此案,但没有透露有关此人身份或被捕原因的进一步信息。 The BEI and Montreal police are examining the case, with no further information released about the individual's identity or reason for arrest.