新西兰妇女事务部长认识到目前存在的薪酬差距,正在改善公共部门的差距,并开发一个薪酬差距计算工具。 New Zealand's Minister for Women recognizes ongoing pay gap, is improving public sector gap and developing a pay gap calculation tool.
新西兰妇女事务部长尼古拉·格里格承认目前存在的工资差距,妇女的平均收入比男子低8.2%。 New Zealand's Minister for Women, Nicola Grigg, acknowledged the ongoing pay gap, with women earning 8.2% less than men on average. 虽然公共部门的差距从2018年的12.2%缩小到6.1%,但仍需要进一步努力。 While the public sector gap has improved to 6.1% from 12.2% in 2018, further efforts are needed. 政府正在开发一个计算薪酬差距的工具,并促进诸如FamilyBoost和增加育儿假等倡议,以增加妇女的领导机会和支持她们的职业。 The government is developing a pay gap calculation tool and promoting initiatives like FamilyBoost and increased parental leave to enhance women's leadership opportunities and support their careers.