英国国会议员Kemi Badenoch指控工党领袖计划取消理事会税额上限, UK MP Kemi Badenoch accuses Labour leader of planning to lift council tax cap, amid funding shortfall claims.
英国保守派国会议员Kemi Badenoch指控工党领袖Keir Starmer计划取消加税上限, 声称地方当局面临24亿英镑的资金缺口。 UK Conservative MP Kemi Badenoch has accused Labour leader Keir Starmer of planning to lift the cap on council tax increases, claiming local authorities face a £2.4 billion funding shortfall. Starmer以“幻想问题”为由驳回了她的问题, 而政府确认委员会税收法案将在4月上调100英镑, 维持5%的上限。 Starmer dismissed her questions as "fantasy questions," while the government confirmed council tax bills will rise by over £100 in April, maintaining the 5% cap. Badenoch认为,目前的预算没有为地方议会提供足够的新资金,尽管核心支出能力预计会增加。 Badenoch argues the current budget does not provide enough new funding for local councils, despite a projected increase in core spending power.