十几岁的詹姆斯在去上班时, 在英属哥伦比亚省兰利被一辆商用卡车撞死. Teen James, walking to work, was killed by a commercial truck in Langley, BC.
11月4日, 一名名叫James的19岁小孩在前往公元前10月4日的兰利上班时, 被一名商用卡车司机杀死。 A 19-year-old named James was killed by a commercial truck driver while walking to work in Langley, BC, on November 4. 詹姆斯,最近高中毕业 参加弗雷泽山谷大学, 被记住 他的魅力 和热衷于急救。 James, a recent high school graduate set to attend the University of the Fraser Valley, was remembered for his charm and passion for first aid. 一个GoFundMe募集了6000多美元, 支持他们并计划庆祝生活。 His family is devastated by the loss, and a GoFundMe has raised over $6,000 to support them and plan a celebration of life. 警方正在寻找破碎的摄像头录像片段 以及事件的目击证人 Police are seeking dash camera footage and witnesses to the incident.