一名男子在卑诗省三角洲的 99 号高速公路上翻车后死亡;警方寻找录像。 A man died after his pickup truck rolled on Highway 99 in Delta, BC; police seek footage.
1 月 26 日,一名来自阿尔伯塔省的 40 岁男子在不列颠哥伦比亚省三角洲的 99 号高速公路上驾驶的皮卡车坠毁并滚到车顶上后死亡。 A 40-year-old man from Alberta died on January 26 after his pickup truck crashed and rolled onto its roof on Highway 99 in Delta, British Columbia. 车祸发生在晚上 7 点左右,高速公路南向的匝道关闭了几个小时。 The crash happened around 7 p.m., and the highway's southbound offramp was closed for several hours. 警方正在寻求公众协助,提供闭路电视、行车记录仪录像和目击者证词。 Police are seeking public assistance with CCTV, dashcam footage, and witness accounts. 案件档案编号为 2025-1566,信息可向 604-946-4411 报告。 The case file number is 2025-1566, and information can be reported to 604-946-4411.