19岁的Joey Urban和Lochie Jacobs死于新南威尔士州Newell高速公路的车祸, 19-year-olds Joey Urban and Lochie Jacobs died in a car crash on Newell Highway, NSW, police are investigating it as a crime scene.
9月27日, 青少年Joey Urban和Lochie Jacobs在新南威尔士州Tomingley附近的Newell高速公路上遭遇车祸身亡。 On September 27, teenagers Joey Urban and Lochie Jacobs were killed in a car crash on the Newell Highway near Tomingley, NSW. 两人在社区中都受到尊重,雅各布斯是一位前橄球运动员,而乌尔班则是一位有抱负的骑牛者. Both were well-regarded in their community, with Jacobs a former rugby player and Urban an aspiring bull rider. AGoFundMe页面在24小时内募集30 000美元用于养家糊口。 A GoFundMe page raised $30,000 in 24 hours to support their families. 特勤队的司机因腿部受伤而住院,警察正在将坠机事件作为犯罪现场进行调查。 The driver of the ute was hospitalized with leg injuries, and police are investigating the crash as a crime scene. 社区深切哀悼他们的损失。 The community mourns their loss deeply.