在南非和莫桑比克之间的Lebombo边界,由于对所谓操纵选票的抗议,业务暂停。 Operations at Lebombo border between South Africa and Mozambique are suspended due to protests over alleged vote rigging.
南非与莫桑比克之间Lebombo边境哨所的业务由于莫桑比克的抗议活动而暂停。 Operations at the Lebombo border post between South Africa and Mozambique are suspended due to protests in Mozambique. 边境管理局经证实的活动暂时停止,等待莫桑比克当局的指导。 The Border Management Authority (BMA) confirmed activities were temporarily halted, awaiting guidance from Mozambican authorities. 抗议的起因是反对派领袖Venancio Mondlane声称有人操纵选票,造成30人死亡。 The protests stem from claims of vote rigging by opposition leader Venancio Mondlane, resulting in 30 deaths. 南非呼吁保持平静与克制。 South Africa has called for calm and restraint.