由于莫桑比克抗议活动的安全关切,Lebombo边界过境点暂时关闭。 The Lebombo border crossing is temporarily closed due to safety concerns from protests in Mozambique.
南非和莫桑比克之间的Lebombo过境点由于在莫桑比克发生抗议和车辆火炬事件后的安全关切而暂时关闭。 The Lebombo border crossing between South Africa and Mozambique is temporarily closed due to safety concerns following protests and vehicle torches in Mozambique. 边境管理局作出了保护旅行者和官员的决定。 The Border Management Authority (BMA) made the decision to protect travelers and officials. 他们正与地方当局合作评估局势,并将在安全时重新开放港口。 They are collaborating with local authorities to assess the situation and will reopen the port when safe. 建议利益攸关方在接到进一步通知之前避免通过该港口。 Stakeholders are advised to avoid travel through this port until further notice.