南非当局在边境港口截获14名无证件莫桑比克儿童。 South African authorities intercepted 14 undocumented Mozambican children at a border port.
南非边境管理局在Lebombo港口拦截了一辆小客车出租车,阻止了来自莫桑比克的14名4至16岁的无证件儿童被偷运到该国。 The South African Border Management Authority (BMA) intercepted a minibus taxi at the Lebombo port, preventing 14 undocumented children from Mozambique, aged 4 to 16, from being smuggled into the country. 这些儿童被交给社会发展部,司机因协助非法入境而被捕。 The children were handed to the Department of Social Development, and the driver was arrested for aiding illegal entry. BMA 正在加紧努力打击节日期间的非法活动。 The BMA is intensifying efforts to disrupt illegal activities during the festive season.