马来西亚确认,在莫桑比克有20名公民在与选举有关的动乱中是安全的。 Malaysia confirms its 20 citizens in Mozambique are safe amid election-linked unrest.
马来西亚外交部证实,莫桑比克境内没有任何马来西亚人受到与有争议的选举结果有关的持续动乱的影响。 Malaysia's Foreign Ministry confirmed that no Malaysians in Mozambique have been affected by ongoing unrest linked to disputed election results. 该部与该国境内的20名马来西亚人保持定期接触,敦促他们登记他们的存在,并推迟非必要旅行。 The ministry maintains regular contact with the 20 Malaysians in the country and urges them to register their presence and defer non-essential travel. 普利托里亚的高级专员提供支持和最新消息. The High Commission in Pretoria is providing support and updates.