南非抗议者关闭了穆西纳和一条通往津巴布韦的主要高速公路,以抗议车辆盗窃和走私。 South African protesters shut down Musina and a major highway to Zimbabwe to protest vehicle thefts and smuggling.
由于车辆盗窃、劫车和走私活动增加,南非抗议者无视警方警告,关闭了穆西纳和一条通往津巴布韦的主要高速公路。 South African protesters, defying police warnings, shut down Musina and a major highway to Zimbabwe due to increased vehicle thefts, carjacking, and smuggling. 这次示威由Nieni村民组织,目的是提高认识,要求采取行动,打击边界沿线的这些犯罪活动。 Organized by Nieni villagers, the demonstration aimed to raise awareness and demand action against these criminal activities along the border. 车辆在穆西纳被偷,经过林波波河的干燥地带,被带入津巴布韦。 Vehicles have been stolen in Musina and driven across the dry Limpopo riverbed into Zimbabwe.