纽约州长霍胡尔恢复了供暖援助方案,向符合条件的家庭提供最多1 000美元。 New York Governor Hochul reinstates heating aid program, offering up to $1,000 to eligible households.
纽约州长Kathy Hoghul已恢复了家庭能源援助方案,今年冬季向符合条件的中低收入家庭提供多达1 000美元的供暖援助。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul has reinstated the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), offering up to $1,000 in heating assistance to eligible low and middle-income households this winter. 去年,170多万个家庭领取了总计近4亿美元的津贴。 Last year, over 1.7 million households received benefits totaling nearly $400 million. 资格以收入为基础,考虑到具体限额和家庭因素。 Eligibility is based on income, with specific limits and household factors considered. 申请现已在网上或当面开放,紧急申请从2025年1月2日起开始。 Applications are now open online or in person, with emergency applications starting January 2, 2025.