纽约州长Kathy Hoghul启动400M方案,将600套空置公寓恢复为负担得起的住房。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul launches $40M program to revitalize 600 vacant apartments into affordable housing.
纽约州长Kathy Hoghul已宣布一项耗资4 000万美元的方案,以振兴全州600套空置公寓,但纽约市除外。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul has announced a $40 million program to revitalize up to 600 vacant apartments across the state, excluding New York City. 空置租金改善方案将提供最高50 000美元或每单位75 000美元的补贴,用于翻修,将其转化为低收入和中低收入居民负担得起的住房。 The Vacant Rental Improvement Program will provide subsidies of up to $50,000 or $75,000 per unit for renovations, converting them into affordable housing for low- and moderate-income residents. 安大略县和詹姆斯敦是受益人之一,每个受益人都获得大量赠款,以解决住房短缺问题和改善当地财产。 Ontario County and Jamestown are among the beneficiaries, with each receiving significant grants to address housing shortages and improve local properties.