一名19个月大的婴儿被其亲生母亲从佛蒙特州带到华盛顿特区,第二天被发现安全无虞。 A 19-month-old child was taken from Vermont to D.C. by their biological mother and was found safe the next day.
一名19个月大的婴儿被其亲生母亲从他们在布拉特尔博罗的家中带走,第二天在华盛顿特区被发现安全。 A 19-month-old child was taken from their home in Brattleboro by their biological mother and was found safe in Washington, D.C., the next day. 当时儿童由法定监护人照料。 The child was under the care of legal guardians at the time. 母亲Jace Pillsbury和她男友与孩子同住,但没有逮捕任何人。 The mother, Jace Pillsbury, and her boyfriend were located with the child but no arrests have been made. 布拉特尔伯洛警察局仍在调查此案。 The Brattleboro Police Department is still investigating the case.