11 岁被绑架儿童被发现安全,绑架者根据爱荷华州的逮捕令被捕,儿童患有 DCS,案件由爱荷华市警方处理。 11-year-old abducted child found safe, abductor arrested on an Iowa warrant, child with DCS, case handled by Iowa City Police.
10月21日,在印第安纳波利斯发现一名11岁儿童在印第安纳波利斯被36岁的非监护父母Ronique Pittman绑架时安全无虞。 An 11-year-old child abducted by non-custodial parent Ronique Pittman, 36, was found safe in Indianapolis on October 21. 印第安纳州警察局在一个加油站将儿童与两名成年人关押在一起。 The Indiana State Police located the child with two adults at a gas station. Pittman因绑架儿童被依奥瓦州逮捕令逮捕,目前被拘留。 Pittman was arrested on an Iowa warrant for child abduction and is currently in custody. 儿童现在由儿童服务部照料,该部正在协助儿童与监护父母团聚。 The child is now in the care of the Department of Child Services, which is facilitating their reunion with the custodial parent. 此案正由爱荷华市警察处理。 The case is being handled by Iowa City Police.