密苏里州的婴儿在肯塔基州被发现安全;母亲因父母绑架而被捕。 Missouri baby found safe in Kentucky; mother arrested for parental kidnapping.
来自密苏里的一个3个月大的婴儿 据报失踪 在肯塔基州希科里被发现安全 A 3-month-old baby from Missouri who was reported missing was found safe in Hickory, Kentucky. 该孩子的母亲Taylor Roldan(29岁)在与婴儿一起离开密苏里后因父母绑架而被逮捕,尽管她被命令将孩子交给国家社会服务部。 The child's mother, Taylor Roldan, 29, was arrested for parental kidnapping after she left Missouri with the infant, despite orders to surrender the child to the state's Department of Social Services. 该婴儿已被送回密苏里社会服务部监护,Roldan正在等待引渡至密苏里。 The infant has been returned to the custody of Missouri's Department of Social Services, and Roldan is awaiting extradition to Missouri.