Ryderie Gilbertson, 一名17个月大的AMBER警报员,被发现安全无虞;他父亲被捕。 Ryderie Gilbertson, the 17-month-old in an AMBER Alert, was found safe; his father was arrested.
17个月大的小孩Ryderie Gilbertson在被父亲Andrew Gilbertson在华盛顿果园港强行带走后,作为AMBER警报的对象,现已安全被发现。 The 17-month-old child, Ryderie Gilbertson, who was the subject of an AMBER Alert after being forcibly taken by his father Andrew Gilbertson in Port Orchard, Washington, has been found safe. Andrew有防范他的命令,并面临家庭暴力和抢劫指控,被拘留。 Andrew, who has an order of protection against him and faces domestic violence and robbery charges, was taken into custody. 这名儿童位于奥维亚路,似乎没事。 The child was located on Overaa Road and appears to be okay.