Marine Le Pen因被控挪用公款而面临审判, Marine Le Pen faces trial over alleged embezzlement, risking a ban from running for president in 2027.
Marine Le Pen, 法国的极右领袖, 面临一场审判, 可能阻止她竞选2027年的总统。 Marine Le Pen, France's far-right leader, faces a trial that could prevent her from running for president in 2027. 她和她的民族拉里党被指控侵吞欧洲议会用于议会助理的资金,而不是支付2004年至2016年党内工作人员的工资。 She and her National Rally party are accused of embezzling European Parliament funds intended for parliamentary aides, to instead pay party staff from 2004 to 2016. 如果被定罪,他们可能会面临长达10年的监禁和最高100万欧元的罚款。 If convicted, they could face up to 10 years in prison and fines of up to 1 million euros. 然而,勒庞的首要关切是,法院可能阻止她担任公职,危及她的总统野心。 However, Le Pen's primary concern is that the court could bar her from holding office, jeopardizing her presidential ambitions.