中国研究人员利用CRISPR创造更甜的番茄而不减少其体积或产量。 Chinese researchers used CRISPR to create sweeter tomatoes without reducing size or yield.
中国的研究人员利用CRISPR改变番茄中的两种基因,在不减少体积或产量的情况下,将番茄的甜度增加30%。 Researchers in China have used CRISPR to modify two genes in tomatoes, increasing their sweetness by up to 30% without reducing size or yield. 经编辑的西红柿的种子较少,较轻,但保持良好的发芽率。 The edited tomatoes have fewer and lighter seeds but maintain good germination rates. 这一突破可能在未来几年内使超市的西红柿更甜,并可能适用于其他作物。 This breakthrough could lead to sweeter tomatoes in supermarkets within the next few years and may be applicable to other crops.