特拉维夫大学的研究人员使用 CRISPR 编辑番茄基因,在不降低产量的情况下提高水分利用效率。 Tel Aviv University researchers used CRISPR to edit tomato genes, boosting water use efficiency without reducing yield.
特拉维夫大学的研究人员利用CRISPR基因编辑技术在不影响产量的情况下培育出水分利用效率更高的番茄品种。 Researchers at Tel Aviv University have used CRISPR genetic editing technology to cultivate tomato varieties with higher water use efficiency without compromising yield. 研究小组针对一种名为 ROP9 的基因,该基因影响气孔的打开和关闭,导致中午部分关闭,从而减少水分流失。 The team targeted a gene called ROP9, which affects the opening and closing of stomata, leading to partial closure during midday, reducing water loss. 这一发现可能会导致开发更多作物,提高水分利用效率并更好地了解气孔调节。 This discovery could lead to the development of additional crop plants with enhanced water use efficiency and a better understanding of stomatal regulation.