瑞士的Agroscope公司秘密进行CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑大麦试验,尽管全球机制禁止种植。 Switzerland's Agroscope conducts a secret CRISPR/Cas9 gene-edited barley trial despite GM plant ban.
瑞士的Agroscope研究机构正在利用CRISPR/Cas9基因在转基因大麦上进行秘密实地试验,尽管禁止转基因植物的商业种植。 Switzerland's Agroscope research body is conducting a secret field trial using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing on genetically engineered barley, despite a ban on commercial cultivation of genetically modified plants. 在苏黎世-雷肯霍尔兹一个受保护地点进行的试验使用不包含转基因基因的基因编辑技术,避免被归类为转基因生物。 The trial, at a protected site in Zurich-Reckenholz, uses gene editing techniques that don't contain transgenes, avoiding classification as genetically modified organisms. 瑞士政府正在考虑为CRISPR开发的作物建立一个基于风险的审批制度,这些作物不含有外国基因,提供农业、环境和消费者利益。 The Swiss government is considering a risk-based approval system for CRISPR-developed crops that don't contain foreign genes and provide agricultural, environmental, and consumer benefits.