研究发现,夜间睡9-11小时的青少年,高血压风险低37%。 Teens sleeping 9-11 hours nightly have 37% lower risk of high blood pressure, study finds.
在《美国心脏协会杂志》上发表的《UTHealth Houston》的一份新研究报告显示,夜间睡觉9-11小时的青少年患高血压的风险低37%。 A new study from UTHealth Houston, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, reveals that teenagers who sleep 9-11 hours nightly have a 37% lower risk of developing high blood pressure. 这项研究以3 320名青少年为基础,突出了足够的睡眠对保持健康血压和青少年总体健康的重要性。 The research, based on 3,320 adolescents, highlights the importance of adequate sleep for maintaining healthy blood pressure and overall adolescent health. 它强调,必须始终如一地安排睡眠时间,并减少睡觉前的屏幕时间。 It emphasizes the need for consistent sleep schedules and reducing screen time before bed.